Since the Trondheim Chamber Music Festival saw the light of day in 1996, we have delivered art and cultural experiences to a large and diverse audience. We have engaged artists, musicians and composers at home and abroad, contributed to development and education for local and international budding musicians and contributed to the local community in many ways.
Chamber music and classical music, like all other art forms, have an undisputed inherent value, regardless of the utility values music and musical experiences create. In a larger context, we see that culture and art also affect other areas of society.
The UN's Sustainable Development Goals require that all economic, social and environmental development must satisfy today's needs without destroying the opportunities for future generations to satisfy their needs. It is a matter of course for us to contribute where we can, and much of what we do can be linked to the UN's sustainability goals.
Sustainable development in Trondheim Chamber Music Festival, TICC and Fargespill Trondheim - Kaleidoscope
Goal 3: Good health and well-being
Goal 4: Inclusive, fair and lifelong learning
Goal 5: Gender equality
Goal 9: Sustainable innovation and infrastructure
Goals 10 and 11: Reduced inequalities and more inclusive local communities
Goal 12 and 13: Responsible consumption and production, and climate action
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Goal 17: Cooperation for the goals

Good health and well-being
Trondheim Chamber Music Festival, TICC and Fargespill Trondheim are arenas for unity, a sense of community and belonging for the audience, artists and participants. Master classes, talent programmes, courses and Fargespill provide the opportunity and space to experience accomplishment, security and strength, and contribute to quality of life and good mental health.
Inclusive, fair and lifelong learning
Trondheim Chamber Music Festival, TICC and Fargespill Trondheim are arenas for interaction, development and lifelong learning. The Fargespill-methodology contributes to better language development and faster integration for newly arrived young refugees through cultural exchange, inclusion and a sense of accomplishment. The festival contributes to the education of children and young people by collaborating with the NTNU Department of Music and Trondheim Cultural School, organising open listening seminars and facilitating interaction between local and international artists.
Gender equality
We actively work for gender balance in the board, administration and festival staff, and help ensure women have equal opportunities for leading positions at all levels in our organisation. We have a female majority in the administration and festival staff, and good gender balance on the board and among festival artists and composers.
Sustainable innovation and infrastructure
The festival is an innovator and catalyst in Trondheim´s music scene by creating cross-genre projects and commissioned works, further developing the concert form, arousing cultural interest through innovative identity and communication, inspiring people with international festival composers and collaborating closely with innovative partners such as Cirka Teater, NTNU and Stiftelsen Fargespill.
Reduced inequalities and more inclusive local communities
Trondheim Chamber Music Festival, TICC and Fargespill Trondheim are aware of their responsibility as a social actor and want to contribute to sustainable local communities and less inequality. We actively work with accessibility, inclusion and diversity:
Trondheim Chamber Music Festival is committed to being open and accessible for everyone through, among other things:
- Providing information about the accessibility at our concert venues
- Universally designed website
- Facilitating for volunteers -
Help fight discrimination and rasism, and contribute to diversity and inclusion in our business:
- Fargespill Trondheim – Kaleidoscope
- Volunteers and festival staff
- Festival artists and TICC instructors
- In relation to the public and audience -
Contribute to leveling out social and cultural inequalities:
- Good access to cultural venues and meeting places
- Free events
- Increased focus on presence in, and contributions to cultural experiences in, districts with area-oriented efforts
Responsible consumption and production, and climate action
We work actively and purposefully to cut transport emissions for artist travels, transport to and from the airport and in the city centre during the festival. We will produce less waste from catering and offices. We will contribute to circular economy and recycling by borrowing and lending items and focus on sustainability in all purchases.
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Meeting and expressing ourselves through art and culture binds us together beyond the reach of politics and languages and helps show the way towards a peaceful and just society. Trondheim Chamber Music Festival, TICC and Fargespill Trondheim shows that artists, volunteers and professionals can unite despite different cultures, beliefs and political views, where they express themselves and co-create in mutual respect and trust.
Cooperation for the goals
Trondheim Chamber Music Festival, TICC and Fargespill Trondheim collaborate with others in the arts and culture sector and education sector, and forge ties between professional actors and volunteering.
In the culture sector we have a close and well-functioning collaboration with organizers, professional performers, concert venues and other industry actors.