Photo of Trondheim

Costs, travel and stay

The beautiful viking city of Trondheim is situated by the Trondheim fjord in the middle of Norway. As soon as you get to the center of Trondheim, most events are within walking distance. This also goes for concerts during the festival, where participants of TICC and TICC Academy have free access if available seats.

Trondheim Airport Værnes is 30 minutes by airport bus from the center of the city. The railway station, Trondheim Central Station, is located in the city center.

The participants only have a short walk (5-10 min) from the hotel to the rehearsing facilities in Olavshallen. Walking from the hotel to the Free Mason Hall takes 15 minutes.

Musicians are responsible for all travel expenses. There are possibilities for applying for travel funding, which can be provided based on the need and the total travel costs of the groups. There will be a non-refundable entry fee of EUR 160 per string quartet which should not be sent before the application has been accepted and the ensemble received an invitation. Applying for TICC is free.

TICC participants will be offered free accomodation and three free meals a day: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

TICC will offer free lodging in 2-bed rooms at hotel located in the center of Trondheim.

Rehearsal facilities, including the provision of music stands, will be available to all participants. The rehearsing facilities are located in Olavskvartalet. The Academy Closing Concert and all rounds of the competition will take place in the Free Mason Hall, which is a beautiful hall with perfectly suited achoustics for chamber music.


Photo: Alexander ShchukinCC BY NC ND 2.0